Latest news, page 2

10 Basic steps to create an Android app

10 Basic steps to create an Android app

Here are the 10 basic steps you need to make to develop an Android app.

How to Find a Programmer for a Startup

How to Find a Programmer for a Startup

In this article, you will find useful tips to help you choose developers for your tasks. It recommended reading for everyone who is going to start their project.

Booking platform development in 2021

Booking platform development in 2021

Most useful features and real-life booking software development examples from Spintech.

Why Spintech is a good fit for EU agencies

Why Spintech is a good fit for EU agencies

Learn why Spintech is a reliable choice for outsourcing and outstaffing in Ukraine.

Switching business to online, or 2021 e-Commerce in a nutshell

Switching business to online, or 2021 e-Commerce in a nutshell

Let’s take a closer look at how retail switched to serving customers online in 2020 and what are the e-Commerce trends for 2021.

Online entertainment services during the pandemic

Online entertainment services during the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic limited our access to favorite pastimes and people were forced to search for online entertainment services.

Digital transformation in healthcare during COVID-19 pandemic

Digital transformation in healthcare during COVID-19 pandemic

The healthcare industry worldwide had to withstand huge stress and overcome multiple challenges in 2020

The main trends of the EdTech market in 2021

The main trends of the EdTech market in 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic caused an unprecedented surge in EdTech investments. Learn what main EdTech trends to concentrate on in 2021 to remain competitive.

Spintech recruitment strategy

Spintech recruitment strategy

Spintech recruitment strategy is the refined workflow allowing you to gain rapid access to best fit talents for your outsourcing and outstaffing projects.