Ruby is a high-level interpreted programming language that supports a wide variety of programming paradigms, including object-oriented programming (OOP), procedural and functional programming. Ruby enables creating clean and functional back-end and front-end components, especially using the Ruby on Rails (RoR) model-view-controller (MVC) framework. Ruby on Rails influenced many languages and frameworks in use today, including Django for Python, Laravel and Yii in PHP, Play in Scala and Sails.js in Node.js. The most prominent websites built in Ruby are Airbnb, Dribbble, Crunchbase and Bloomberg.

Benefits of Ruby development

Ruby prioritizes simplicity in development, enabling the developers to deliver MVPs and ongoing product updates faster.

  • MVC architecture has clear patterns and predefined routines. This simplifies the code testing, building and execution, shortening the SDLC greatly.
  • Assumed configurations. As Ruby on Rails assumes what the developers need to do, it offers the best way to do this through predefined configurations. This way, more time is spent writing code and less — writing configurations.
  • DRY or Don’t Repeat Yourself. When there are no superfluous repetitions, code has higher quality, is easier to update and performs better.
  • Simple English. Ruby syntax and declarative code style are so simple a non-techy user can often understand what a code does, which reduces the amount of code needed to implement the app features.
  • Faster development. The RoR framework facilitates faster development cycles due to a plethora of features like OOP, lean code base, modularity and extensive use of open-source code for building standard features. This allows reducing the MVP development time by 25-50% as compared to other popular frameworks.

Spintech used our extensive Ruby expertise to deliver one of the most popular 3d model marketplaces with 1M+ of items listed and 2M+ of active users as of 2021.